Nash Citruz Cultured Pop Ups
Nash Citruz cultured pop ups are made the same way as the, Cultured Hookbaits. The citruz flavoured pop ups are tumbled in large specially made tumbler bowls, for 36 hours. In this time the pop ups take on the layering effect, of the unique pink high viz, Citruz Cultured skin creating the cultured pop ups. In doing this, the cultured pop ups and hookbaits hold 99.9% of their enzymes, which if they were boiled, they would loose upto 70% of them. Enzymes signal to the fish that there is a foods source near by and it helps to stimulate them into feeding. Once the cultured pop up or hookbait starts to breakdown, it releases nucleotides, amino acids, vitamins and minerals without affecting the the balance or buoyancy of the hookbait.